Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental, & Innovation Law | Student Publications and Programs | Seattle University School of Law

The Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental & Innovation Law (SJTEIL), formerly known as the Seattle Journal of Environmental Law (SJEL), was the first student-run environmental law journal in the state of Washington. SJTEIL's primary function is to publish high-quality articles on a wide variety of environmental and technology topics, and publication takes place on a rolling basis in the cutting-edge online journal format. SJTEIL is run by students who are eager to explore environmental and technology issues, improve their writing skills, and be actively involved in academic discourse. Seattle University School of Law students manage every aspect of SJTEIL, from communicating with authors, editing the articles, and publishing the journal. In addition to featuring work by leading environmental law scholars, SJTEIL encourages student writing and publishes student pieces. SJTEIL publishes articles on a variety of issues in natural resources law, environmental policy, international environmental law, intellectual property, artificial intelligence, policy surrounding innovation and start-ups, and other topics relating to the cutting-edge issues on technology and the law.

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 1 (2024)



Defining the Social Licence of Large Language Models in Healthcare
Robin L. Pierce, Jack Gallifant, Ashley Cordes, Amelia Fiske, Matilda Dorotic, Mataroria Lyndon, Shrey Jain, Joe Zhang, Judy Gichoya, and Leo Anthony Celi